Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 6, 2015

Cung Le Debuts The First Official Art For Upcoming Short, CODENAME: THE DRAGON!

In the course of the past year or so, fans of MMA star, actor and martial artist Cung Le have been keen on certain posts relevant to Le's Hashtag, #CodenameTheDragon. On Thursday and ahead of events taking place at SF Movie Fest in August, Le posted the first piece of official artwork on his Facebook fanpage for the short which currently has a feature in the works and its accompanying script complete.

Proof-of-concepts are the go-to for people these days who seek an interest in expanding on original feature-length ideas, so if this particular gem has everything it needs to build itself off of, moviegoers can hopefully expect something special down the line. Besides, it's been a while since titles like Fighting, The Man With The Iron Fists, Bodyguards And Assassins and The Grandmaster garnered our attention in addition to earlier prospects with producer Bill Kong that currently remain in limbo. Moreover, now that he's tentatively stepped away from the fight arena, it would certainly leave some time for Le to do more action roles on screen, and with a title like Codename: The Dragon, who could argue?

Follow him on Facebook or Twitter with more info to arrive accordingly.

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