In a post-apocalyptic parallel future of 1997, an orphaned teenager called The Kid (Munro Chambers) scavenges the Wasteland searching for relics from a better time - the 1980s. During one of his expeditions he meets Apple (Laurence Leboeuf), a mysterious girl with a rather large secret. As their relationship deepens, they accidentally run afoul of Zeus (Michael Ironside), the self-proclaimed leader of the Wasteland who now controls the world most precious commodity: fresh water. When Zeus' gang kidnaps Apple, The Kid joins forces with Frederick (Aaron Jeffrey), the laconic leader of the legendary Arm-Wrestling Clan. Armed with little more than blind faith and an ancient turbo-charged weapon, The Kid must fulfill his ultimate destiny: destroy Zeus, avenge his parents' death, and get the girl of his dreams.IGN (via Twitchfilm) has a brand new clip from the film as it makes its way to the Sundance film festival before getting its initial release in Canada and the U.S. Edwin Wright and Romano Orzari also star.
Watch the clip below, and for good measure, check out the original shortfilm in the player just beneath with the old cast.
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