Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 8, 2015

French Action Pilot, O, Stars Cecep Arif Rahman And More In The First Trailer!

All's quiet on The Raid front nowadays with Indonesian martial artist and actor Cecep Arif Rahman having granted himself quite the attention after last year's stellar villainous performance in the sequel cult hit, The Raid 2. Such momentum has granted several of its Indonesian star purveyors some meaty prospects in other territories, especially for Rahman whilst we await confirmation for a certain possible role in an upcoming film this December which may or may not be just a mere rumor.

In the meantime, fans can now catch him in the lead role for a brand new pilot installment for upcoming French action series, O: Une Union Pas Comme Les Autres (A Union Like No Other). Filmmaker Christophe Diez wrote and directed the pilot with a story centered on a secret organization bent on combating terrorism and international crime. Much of the data available now is minimal as much as it's all in French, but the trailer has been up for a while now and not only do we get a good look at the cast, we get to see more of Rahman who clearly hasn't missed a step, performing the action as well as directing it with co-star Gil De Muger.

Moreover, we also get to see action actor Anthony Pho which I think is a real treat aside from his usual filmmaking craft for his Monkids channel on Youtube. The pilot for O is in post and should be ready later this year, so check out the trailer below, and take an exclusive look at 50 new stills courtesy of Diez himself!

Teaser du Pilote de la série -O- by kickstartv

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